Module 3
Primary Health Care Services for Children and Youth in Canada: Access, Quality and Structure

This Module describes the state of primary care among children and youth in Canada, including the structure of primary care delivery, changes under reform, and funding for other primary health care services such as eye and dental care across provinces and territories. It capitalizes on existing data and measures to report on the quality of primary care for children in Canada.
Suggested Citation and Contributors
Click on the link below for Suggested Citation and Contributors.
Section 1
Section 1: Introduction
This section defines primary care. It also describes how this module was developed as well as information on the Environmental Scan conducted to determine potential indicators for reporting on the quality of primary health care of Canadian children and youth.
Section 2
Section 2: Structure of Primary Care
In Canada, primary paediatric care is provided by a variety of health care practitioners. This section describes who provides this care by province and territory. It also explores primary care reform and how this relates to care for children and youth.
2.2 Section 2.2: Primary Care Reform
Section 3
Section 3: Access and Effectiveness of Primary Care
This section highlights what is known from national surveys about access to primary care for children and youth. It also reports on indicators called ambulatory care sensitive admissions which are thought to reflect access to timely and high quality primary care. Finally, this section summarizes publicly available data on childhood immunization coverage, an important part of primary care effectiveness.
3.1 Section 3.1: Access to Primary Care Physicians
3.2 Section 3.2: Effectiveness: Ambulatory Care Sensitive Hospitalizations
Hospitalization Rates for Asthma among 2 to 17 Year Olds, Provinces/Territories, 2014 and 20153.2.11
Proportion of Appendicitis Hospitalizations for Paediatric Perforated Appendicitis, by Income3.3 Section 3.3: Immunization Coverage
Section 4
Section 4: Primary Dental Care
Just as primary care is considered a child’s “Medical Home”, the delivery of oral health care (the “Dental Home”) is important for child health. There are differences in the provision of, and access to, dental care services for children and youth across Canada. This section presents data on the structure, financing and access to dental care among Canadian children and youth.
4.1 Section 4.1 Dental Care
Section 5
Section 5: Other Primary Health Care Services
This section provides a summary of other important primary healthcare services which are associated with child and youth health outcomes. These include vision and hearing screening, developmental surveillance/screening and drug coverage. This section highlights the underlying evidence for these services and describes whether there is universal access to these across provinces and territories. There are no pan-Canadian data on the actual use or uptake of thee services.
5.1 Section 5.1: Vision Screening
Amblyopia5.2 Section 5.2: Universal Newborn Hearing Screening
5.3 Section 5.3: Developmental Surveillance and Screening
5.4 Section 5.4: Publically-Funded Drug Coverage
Section 6
Section 6: Summary/Conclusions
This section provides a summary of the findings of the Module.
6.1 Summary and Conclusions