6.9.3 Percentage of First Nations schools on reserve that had infrastructure issues, Canada, 2011

Require major repairs Lack access to clean drinking water Health and safety concerns
Infrastructure Issues 74 32 72

Source: CICH graphic created using data adapted from Chiefs Assembly on Education. A Portrait of First Nations and Education. 2011.

According to a 2011 survey of 515 First Nations schools on reserve, a significant number had infrastructure problems.

74% required major repairs; this is related to the need for additional space, as well as plumbing and sewage issues, electrical, roofing, building code, and structure/foundation issues.

32% had an issue with access to clean drinking water.

72% of the First Nations schools were concerned about the health and safety of their students.

Indigenous children’s engagement in school and success in learning is dependent on the quality of the learning environment. If schools do not have adequate space, or if they do not meet health and safety standards, students will suffer. Many First Nations schools have health and safety issues related to the quality of school infrastructure.