3.7.2 Percentage of Canadians who reported they had a park or green space close to home, Canada and by province, 2013

Park or green space close to home 74 81 81 72 86 84 84 85 86 86 85

Source: CICH graphic created using data adapted from Statistics Canada. Table 153-0148 – Households and the environment survey, parks and green spaces, Canada, provinces and census metropolitan areas (CMA). http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26;jsessionid=107BA08D2BAA4D46B2F73BA33D821ABE?lang=eng&retrLang=eng&id=1530148&tabMode=dataTable&srchLan=-1&p1=-1&p2=9 – accessed May 21. 2017.

In 2013, the majority of Canadians – 85% – report that they had a park or green space close to home.

This varied by province – from 72% in New Brunswick to 86% in Québec, Alberta and British Columbia.

Canadians living in lower income households were less likely to live near a park or a green space. 79% of households whose income was less than $20,000 reported they lived close to a park or green space in comparison to 94% of households with incomes of $100,000 or more.1

1Statistics Canada. Table 153-0148 – Households and the environment survey, parks and green spaces, Canada, provinces and census metropolitan areas (CMA). http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26;jsessionid=107BA08D2BAA4D46B2F73BA33D821ABE?lang=eng&retrLang=eng&id=1530148&tabMode=dataTable&srchLan=-1&p1=-1&p2=9 – accessed May 21. 2017.

There is growing evidence that the physical environments in which children and youth live, learn and play impact their health. Certain community designs and spaces contribute to increased physical activity. A recent systematic review concluded that people living close to nature—like trees, parks, and other green spaces—are more active and less likely to be obese or prescribed antidepressants. The authors conclude that policies to increase vegetation may provide opportunities for physical activity, reduce harmful exposures, increase social engagement, and improve mental health.1

1James P, Hart JE, Banay RF and Laden F. Exposure to Greenness and Mortality in a Nationwide Prospective Cohort Study of Women. Environmental Health Perspectives 2016.