Distribution of parents/guardians of First Nations children under age 6 living off reserve on their answer to the question “How would you rate your feelings about:”, Canada, 2006

*Very dissatisfied use with caution.
Percents may not add up to 100 because responses of ‘don’t know’, ‘refusal’ and ‘not stated’ were included in the calculation of all estimates and rounding. Additionally, ‘not stated’ and ‘not applicable’ responses were removed.

Source: CICH graphic created using data adapted from Statistics Canada, Aboriginal Children’s Survey, 2006. http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/89-634-x/2008005/t/6000030-eng.htm -accessed August 22, 2017.

In 2006, 35% of parents/guardians of First Nations children under age 6 living off reserve reported that they were ‘very satisfied’ with their housing conditions and an additional 47% reported they were ‘satisfied’.

Only 14% of parents/guardians of First Nations children under age 6 living off reserve reported being ‘very satisfied’ with their finances and 28% reported being ‘dissatisfied/very dissatisfied’.

Over 90% of parents/guardians of First Nations children under age 6 living off reserve reported reported being ‘very satisfied’ or ‘satisfied’ with their main job or activity and 90% reported being ‘very satisfied’ or ‘satisfied’ with their support network.