12-19 Year Olds Who Consulted a Dental Professional, by Socioecon Status & Age Group, 2009/10

* Dentists, dental hygienists, orthodontists
Data from the Canadian Community Health Survey, 2009-2010
According to the 2009-2010 Canadian Community Health Survey, 78% of children and youth between 12 and 14 years of age consulted a dental professional, compared to children and youth between the ages of 15 and 17 (71%), and 18 and 19 (67%).
The proportions were lowest among those age 18 and 19 years, especially immigrant (59%) and visible minority (64%) populations, and those from households where the highest level of education was less than high school (50%).
Survey data do not include First Nations children living on reserve. This may result in undercounting of children with inequities in access in some provinces/territories