Health Profile on Aboriginal Children and Youth
The content for this module was made possible thanks to a Knowledge Translation Synthesis grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. The University of Northern British Columbia, Department of First Nations Studies, under the direction of Dr. Margo Greenwood, Principal Investigator, was the lead institution that administered this grant.
Principal Investigator
Margo Greenwood, PhD
Associate Professor,
Departments of First Nations Studies and Education, University of Northern British Columbia
Academic Lead,
National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health
Vice President,
Aboriginal Health, Northern Health Authority
Laura Arbour, MSc, MD, FRCPC, FCCMG
Department of Medical Genetics, and the Island Medical Program, University of British Columbia,
Division of Medical Sciences, University of Victoria
Caroline Tait, PhD
Associate Professor,
College of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, University of Saskatchewan
Knowledge Users
Louise Hanvey, RN, MHA
Research Director,
The Health of Canada’s Children and Youth: A CICH Profile, Canadian Institute of Child Health
Conrad Saulis
Policy Director,
National Association of Friendship Centres
Kimberley Barker, MD, CCFP, MPH, FRCPC
Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Nunavut
Cindy Blackstock, PhD
Executive Director,
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada
Associate Professor,
Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta
Michael Chandler, PhD
Professor Emeritus,
Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia
Erin Corston
Health Director and Assistant Director of the Environment,
Native Women’s Association of Canada
Gail McDonald
Operations Manager,
First Nations Information Governance Centre
Departments of Medicine (Section of Infectious Diseases), Medical Microbiology and Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba
Kent Saylor, MD, FRCPC
Northern and native child health program, Montreal Children’s Hospital
Janet Smylie, MD, MPH
Family Physician, Family and Community Medicine, St.Michael’s Hospital
Research Scientist, Centre for Research on Inner City Health, St. Michael’s Hospital
Associate Professor,
Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
Shirley Tagalik
Inukpaujaq Consulting
Sonia Isaac-Mann, M.Sc
Associate Director of Health,
Assembly of First Nations
Valorie Whetung
Past Chief, Analysis and Dissemination,
Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division, Statistics Canada
Malcolm King, PhD
Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University
Scientific Director,
CIHR Institute for Aboriginal People’s Health
Eduardo Vides
Senior Health Policy Advisor,
Métis National Council