3.6.9 Percentage of Canadian students in Grades 6 though 10 who reported that they participated in organized sport, by grade and gender, Canada, 2014

Source: CICH graphic created using data adapted from Health Behaviour in School-aged Children in Canada: Focus on Relationships. 2016.

Between 19% and 33% of students in Grades 6 through 10 reported that they did not participate in organized sports.

Girls were more likely than boys, at all grade levels, to report that they did not participate in organized sports.

Twenty-seven percent of students in Grades 6 through 10 reported that they participated in team sports only, 15% in individual sports and 34% in both.

Non-participation increased with increasing grades.

Research demonstrates that girls are likely to undervalue and underestimate their capacity and potential for competency in physical activity. Teenage girls report more barriers to participation than do boys. These barriers include time, money, resources, and a concern for safety. In addition, girls may lack active, older role models and this may contribute to their to lower participation in physical activity.

Source: Reid C, Dyck L, McKay H and Frisby W. The Health Benefits of Physical Activity for Girls and Women. Literature Review and Recommendations for Future Research and Policy. British Columbia Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health. https://www.caaws.ca/e/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/health_benefits.pdf