Life expectancy at birth, men and women, Canada, 1998/2000 to 2007/2009

Life expectancy is the number of years a person would be expected to live, starting at birth (for life expectancy at birth) or at age 65 (for life expectancy at age 65) if the age- and sex-specific mortality rates for a given observation period (such as a calendar year) were held constant over his/her life span.

Life expectancy is calculated with the Greville’s method for abridged life tables, using annual mortality rates with five-year age groupings of population and mortality rates. See “Life Tables, Canada, provinces and territories, 2000/2002” (catalogue number 84-537-XIE) for a complete explanation of the methodology used to produce abridged life tables.

Source: CICH graphic created using data adapted from Statistics Canada, Canadian Vital Statistics, Birth and Death Databases and population estimates. CANSIM table 102-0512. (accessed March 19, 2017) is an update of CANSIM table 102-0511.

In 1998/2000, the life expectancy at birth was 81.7 for women and 76.3 for men. In 2007/09, this rose to 83.3 (2%) for women and 78.8 (2%) for men.

This is up from a combined (men and women) life expectancy of 71 years in 1961. Wealthier people in Canada have a longer life expectancy than do poor people and the Indigenous population has a lower life expectancy than non-Indigenous people.1

1Conference Board of Canada. Life Expectancy.