7.5.9 Characteristics of the school environment in the last year of school, First Nations and Métis people age 18 to 44 years, who have completed school and who have left school, Canada, 2012

Source: Bougie E, Kelly-Scott K and Arriagada P. 2013. The Education and Employment Experiences of First Nations People Living Off Reserve, Inuit, and Métis: Selected Findings from the 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey. Statistics Canada. Catalogue no. 89‐653‐X.
In 2012, more First Nations and Métis people aged 18 to 44 years who felt safe in their school and reported that most students enjoyed being at the school, completed high school than did those who did not.
First Nations and Métis people who attended schools where racism and bullying were problems were less likely to complete high school than were those who attended schools where racism and bullying were not a concern.
The school environment has an impact on Indigenous youth’s success at school and in fact, on whether or not they remain in school. First Nations and Métis youth who had positive school environments were more likely to complete high school than were those who did not. School puts youth on a positive life trajectory that leads to further education and employment.