Percentage of children under 6 years of age in some kind of child care arrangement, by Indigenous identity, Canada, 2006

Child care arrangements refer to the care of a child by someone other than a parent, including daycare, nursery or preschool, Aboriginal Head Start, before or after school programs and care by a relative or other caregiver.
Source: CICH graphic created using data adapted from Statistics Canada. 2006 Aboriginal Children`s Survey. -accessed August 27, 2017.
In 2006, 47% of First Nations children under 6 years of age living off reserve were in some kind of child care arrangement.
Forty-eight percent of Métis children under 6 were in some kind of child care arrangement as were 40% of Inuit children under 6 years of age
This compares to 51% of all Canadian children under 6 years of age being in some kind of child care arrangement (excluding those living on-reserve and those living in the territories).