3.3.3 Métis National Council

For more information on the Métis National Council please click here.
The Métis National Council (MNC) represents more than 350,000 members of the Métis Nation, defined as including Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and parts of Ontario, British Columbia and the Northwest Territories. Their central goal is to secure a healthy space for the Métis Nation’s on-going existence within the Canadian federation.1
The MNC receives its mandate and direction from the democratically elected leadership of the Métis Nation’s governments from Ontario westward: the Métis Nation of Ontario, the Manitoba Métis Federation, the Métis Nation – Saskatchewan, the Métis Nation of Alberta, and the Métis Nation British Columbia. A national president is elected every three years by delegates from each of the five member associations during the MNC’s general assembly.1
The MNC reflects and moves forward on the desires and aspirations of these Métis governments at the national and international level.1
1Métis National Council website -accessed June 4, 2018.